Monday, June 14, 2010

B Cool

As the summer heat rises, I am trying to find every way I can to make my morning routine quick and cool. No one wants to be under the bathroom lights, straightening and curling. And while I am still experimenting and finding my favorite beauty products this summer, I already swear by this one.

If there was an award for most published beauty product, Bumble and Bumble's surf spray must be in the running. I've seen this product in countless numbers of magazines and this summer I took the plunge. Here is a true testimonial: You want beach hair? You can have it. I got it. The morning routine now consists of quickly drying my hair 95% (don't make that extra 5% because my arm gets tired), spraying in surf spray, scrunch scrunch, and GO!

One more quick tip for easy summer hair? Braids-- the signature hair do of Lauren Conrad. Bangs in the summer can be the worse since they'll be the first to get sweaty and look just awful. Braid them back. Both sides. Just one down the side. Pinned back. In a bun. You can do braids any way.

And from The Hills to The City... lack braiding skills or need something faster? Take a cue from Whitney Port and add a simple hair accessory to keep your hair back. Try one of these finds from Urban Outfitters- stone ribbon head wrap or crochet chiffon clip that can double as a pin!

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