Tuesday, April 05, 2011

B Persistent: DIY Neon braided hex nut bracelet

It was weeks ago when I first spotted this DIY on a number of different blogs originally found here. So many decided to share it becuase it looks pretty cool and who would've thought all you needed was a trip to the hardware store. Yesterday I was determined to master it. Walking into Home Depot blindly I chose what I thought were the right hex nuts and twine. I also grabbed the neon pink string near by because I'm a sucker for anything neon this season.

My first couple of attempts were awful. No one ever mentions this in a DIY project but this looks harder than it looks! The right hex nuts balanced with the right weight of string make a huge difference. When working with thinner string you will want smaller hex nuts than shown in the tutorial as she used a thicker twine. Along with the proportions the trick is to hold the hex nuts tight in place while braiding.

It wasn't long before I figured out my rhythm and had to tie it around my wrist and take pictures. Now off to working on some for gifts...


Nicole Marie said...

i've been wanting to make this too!

A said...

I've made one attempt at this DIY so far, but I'm going to have to really sit down and focus on it instead of trying to do it lying in bed while reading blogs AND watching TV, haha. Yours looks great - love the pink!

Judy said...

It looks awesome! I love it! I'm considering making one now!


Lauren said...


Anonymous said...

This bracelet is so cool! I just forwaded it to my aunt who is way more creatively inclined (read: patient) than I am!

Anonymous said...

i'm OBSESSED with your blog. SO many great ideas, where do you come up with them???

good for you!

annie@mostlovelythings said...

So cute! What a great little project...I would like to think I could get my 16 year old daughter to make them for her and all her friends, but I have a feeling she's going to want me to make them.

Zon said...

how did you tie it on your wrist? The twine I picked is a little waxy and it keeps coming undone.

B said...

I used a safety pin!

Sonu said...

i love this bracelet...i made mind with hemp and they look super cool...i'm obsessed and i think they look so cool on

mcmerc said...

i've stumbled across your blog looking for DIY ideas, and i must say i really love it!
this idea is so chic, and so simple, i went out and bought all the "ingredients" right away haha

ps, where is your gold pyramid bracelet from? it's gorgeous

Giuliana said...

that's awesome, im SO trying it!


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